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OZ Book

Paper and Acrylic Paint | Adobe InDesign | 2017

This project incorporates the book of
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz narrative with
the musical and movie musical numbers.
I incorporated the written story as the main
text and a the music as the secondary text,
and bound the book myself. I had a lot of fun going through and designing lighthearted phrases and organizing funky typography to reflect the fantastical nature of the tale of
Dorothy and her friends.


Printing and binding the book was difficult, as it was one of the first printed books I had bound. I had to make several different drafts before I was confident enough to print and bind the final finished copy. I also had to keep in mind the way the type behaved so that I could remain consistent throughout the entire book


Overall, I had fun experimenting with the typography and creating my own book. Although it was tedious, the end product was very satisfying. Along the way, I also figured out many tricks and new ideas for new books that I could make.

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